Past and Present Sponsored Team Members
As a very keen supporter of upcoming young horse trainers as well as the not so young here at Kaz's Flags and Tail Bags 😉 Earlier on I reached out to a few ladies that who already had been using our horse training flags and tail bags and were already recommending to fellow family, friends and clients to come on board: Tamara Janus - TJ Equine, Lee Scown - Riverdance Gypsy Cobs and Sophie Gregory - Sophie's Horse Services who alongside my best horse friend Irene Suto were the founding sponsored team members of Kaz's Flags and Tail Bags.
Please enjoy reading about our present and past team members as we take you through the last 6+ years to present day.
And as we have steadily grown over the years our sponsored team has also grown and in 2023 we would love to introduce you to our newest Brand Ambassador for Kaz's Flags and Tail Bags:
Lee Davis - Lee Davis Horsemanship
Who is Lee Davis???
Well about 25 years ago his awesome wife came out of a long hiatus and fulfilled a dream of getting back into horses. But not just any horses as long as they were black and of Friesian blood. Her first horse turned a keen fisherman, into someone looking for answers to questions that hadn’t even manifested yet. Long story short he sold his boat brought a horse float, brought a bargain $500 dollar horse he didn’t even test ride (or tell his wife about). That started his journey to becoming who he is today, a passionate horseman of now just over 25 years. Starting a little late @ 31 chock full of young man syndrome and enthusiasm it was full steam ahead (the complete opposite of what he had to do with his horses and most of all himself ) but once started, having a thirst for knowledge on how a horse thinks, acts and learns. He is also now on a journey to find out how much is needed to be worked on with himself to improve his relationship with horses.
Although he has dabbled in sports such as Endurance, Eventing, Showing, Dressage, Stockhorse challenges, Extreme Cowboy racing, LeTrek. His walls aren’t adorned with blue ribbons and trophies; however, he would like to think the 200+ horses he has started under saddle would have a gold star for their kindergarten teacher.
That is where his focus has been over the last 15 years, working with and giving young horses a good start is a true honour, something that he loves doing and he appreciates the learning’s he gets back from them. He can then help other horses sooner before they get themselves or him into a bind. His never-ending hunger for knowledge sees him attending clinics wherever he can, with respected clinicians such as Anthony Desreaux Manolo Menendez, Pat Parelli, Allen Collet, Carlos Tabernabri to name a few.
Some horsemanship career highlights would be, being the only person selected, that wasn’t an instructor, to attend the 6-week colt start at the Australian Parelli Centre. Participated in Anthony Desreaux’s first Australian colt start, fresh after he had returned from America after spending time with Buck Brannaman, and riding with Pat Parelli, gaining some insights from him personally. Being selected to participate in the colt start demonstration at Legacy of Legends, alongside 11 other colt starters from around the country, under the guidance of Buck Brannaman, Jayton Lord, Anthony Desreaux, and Brook Hazlett. All this culminating in winning the “Trainers Challenge”( A competition similar to “Way Of the Horse at Equitana) in 2022 in Corryong Vic, at the famous, Man from Snowy River Festival.
He was encouraged into teaching and although very hesitant and unconfident at first. The feedback and encouragement and support he has received, has seen him now develop his teaching and methods, inspired from the many great horsemen he has studied with. He believes in helping and giving people the “WHY” they are doing what they are doing, instead of just the how and the what to do!!! He soon found himself being understood and helping people and horses learn in a no pressure setting, keeping things safe and relaxed.
His aim is to give people a good understanding of his personal horse philosophy. One of creating a true partnership where your horse is “Respectful, Responsive & Reliable” and the techniques to turn your horsemanship dream into reality.
Face Book page; LD Horsemanship
0419 829 777
Tamara Janus - TJ Equine
Lee Scown - Riverdance Gypsy Cobs

Sophie Gregory - Sophie's Horses
🐴 Who is Sophie Gregory - Sophie's Horse Services? 🐴
My ultimate goal in life is to inspire others and to always bring you joyful, fun and encouraging posts. I have close to 7000 followers from all over the world. ♥
I am a 30yo horse loving female from Brisbane Australia. My full-time occupation is barefoot trimming horses (farrier) . I studied a Diploma in Melbourne Australia. I trim between 30-50 horses per week.
For ten years up until 2016 I coached and had a full-time business starting horses.
I love to learn. In 2018 I participated in a Brumby Safari out Western Qld. I gentled a freshly trapped truly wild brumby colt under tuition to day six riding out in half million acres. I brought my brumby home and some incredible experiences. In 2020 and 2021 I was invited back as one of the instructors for a 10day camp which was an incredible experience sharing what I know and learning even more.
In 2018 I also participated in a two day All Girls (6) Colt Starting Challenge. Winning this challenge was an incredibly humbling experience.
My greatest passion is understanding horse behaviour and through this my biggest love is the sensitive misunderstood horses whom often come with human labels. Charge a very special horse bought off a dogger truck in 2013 when it broke down on the way to the abattoir is my fairytale. Together we achieved incredible things winning Camp drafts and Sporting at State Level. Some say I was lucky to find Charge.... One day I will publish my book on all the horses throughout my life who have changed my life and taught me the next step. Literally hundreds of horses. I am so lucky to live the life I do, on the family farm 🍏🌿
Mars Millichamp - Parry / Hedera Horsemanship

Claudia Greve

Madison Hughes and Arizona

Ella Purnell - Purnell Equine Services
I absolutely love your flags I use them everyday in my training with our brumbies and training client horses.
I use them a lot with ground work getting the horse use to something above them, helping move them on the lunge and move their hindquarters, I just find they are the best products I’ve had a pink flag from you for years and it’s still good.
A summary of my qualifications are I’m a barefoot farrier that does horsemanship training and breaking in with my brumbies and client horses I always recommend your products with my clients
I compete at our local ag shows and recently online showing with great success with our brumbies supreme brumby and supreme young brumby, I also used ur flags in video an won quietest brumby.
My family with my children will be completing in pony club events and dressage this year with our brumbies. I have two kids that ride Joshua and Matilda they compete with their brumbies Lego and Elsa and I will be competing with my brumby Charlie. I believe your flags help to get our horses desensitised ready to compete. I’m also very passionate about riding my horse Charlie bareback bridleless
Georgia Kolovos - G.C. Natural Horsemanship

Kyrie de Jong - KDJ Equine

Kyrie from KdJ Equine is based on the Sunshine Coast qld. Some of Kyrie’s qualifications include level 1 EA Coach, level 1 ea show jumping judge, dipl. of horse business management as well as being a qualified equine massage and red light therapist. Kyrie competes her horses in show jumping and dressage. Kyrie had worked in many racing stables, show jumping stables, stud farms throughout Australia and Europe before starting her own business. Working on both the horse and riders mental and physical abilities helps Kyrie to build confidence from the ground up.

Irene Suto
(This blurb is a work in progress!)