About Us

As an avid horsemanship enthusiast of over 30 years & with groundwork & liberty a passion, I saw the need to develop a quality equine brand that offered innovative & uniquely crafted products for ourselves & our horses.
As an Australian Micro Business here in the Lockyer Valley QLD, & with the help of some local ladies, 'Seamstress Pilar', Rhonda & Hannah we endeavor to always supply you with quality workmanship in all our products. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, always.
Read on to learn our our story ..
In 2015 at a 4 day horsemanship clinic in the Lockyer Valley Qld, a gift of a hand made horse training flag, the original Pro Teal was given out as a thank you gift to all who participated, with many still using their original one!
From there as an avid horsemanship enthusiast of over 30 years and with groundwork and liberty a passion, I saw the need to develop a quality equine brand that offered innovative and uniquely crafted products for ourselves and our horses, shortly thereafter in Jan 2016 Kaz's Flags & Tail Bags was launched on Facebook with Instagram and eBay a few years later and in 2021 our own website! We continually evolve and grow, advanced by feedback from our loyal customer base new and old, always striving to offer the best value for money horse training horsemanship products and exceptional customer service to give you the best online shopping experience.